30 weeks
I've been very sparse in my blogging lately, and I'm backed up with content to post, so, hopefully, I'll hit a good stretch here to get caught up.
Little Carmichael is now in his third trimester and 30 weeks along. He's almost 16 inches long (probably closer to a foot-and-a-half if he caught the Carmichael height gene!) and weighs as much as three pounds. The eyes continue to develop more keenly at this point. He is born with 20/400 vision, which means he can only see short distances. It also means close cuddling and nursing are incredibly important for facial recognition.
The little tyke is really active in the womb. Holly often feels movement (as do I) and is now able to discern body parts as they are pushed up against her belly. The coolest feeling is when he rubs his arm across the womb as he stretches...it's more than just a kick or punch when you feel a full gesture. Holly likes to play a responsive game with him--if he's pressing against a certain spot on her belly, she'll respond by pressing that same spot toward him. Sometimes he returns with a shove. :)
He rests very low in the womb (supposedly a great sign of a favorable birth later) but ends of cramping Holly's organs and even momentary paralysis because he's got his foot against her spine or something. Pretty riveting stuff!
Holly is also beginning to feel restless and antsy. Assuming this is the nesting stage settling in, we've begun preparing the baby's quarters.
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