Dear Timothy...
I'm a few months behind (again) getting projects posted, and this post is from late August '09. Transitioning from the Fruit of the Spirit series, I removed the colored tiles and reused the backlit shelves to light the main display for the next series, "Dear Timothy...". The 17-week series is an expositional look at Paul's letters to Timothy, specifically, the first letter. So, the stage display was supposed to show a parchment-like surface with the "hand-written" beginning to the letter.Since I wasn't about to look nor pay for two 10x7.5-foot sheets of parchment, I sought the alternative, which led me to good ole muslin. Found a bolt of muslin at the fabric store for $20. DEAL! $$$ The muslin looked rather clean and I wanted to add some texture to it to make it more paper-like. So, it was soaked in tea for a few hours and bunched up to add more wrinkles.
After drying it was time to transport the series branding to the muslin, which was done by creating a transparency, displayed by an old overhead, traced with pencil, then painted by the loverly Holly Faye.
While she was busy tracing and painting, I was prepping the stage with all of the lights I wanted to use. In all, 110 lights were used.
And the finished product...
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